Why Choose Diplomatic Security Specialists
Why Choose Diplomatic Security Specialists
1. Have you ever fired a weapon?
2. Do you know how to correct shooting problems?
3. Do you know the 7 fundamentals of marksmanship?
4. Do you know how to conduct a systematic but effective routine for patrols?
5. How well do you understand liability and legal aspects of the job?
6. Do you know the appropriate proper courtroom demeanor?
You'll learn all of these and more through our mandatory and elective classes. Sign up today!
Bureau of Security and Investigative Services Certifications
BSIS: TFB# 1370/TFF# 1608/TIB# 1977/ TIF# 2624
Our Training Approach
Our Training Approach
Our training consists of firearm laws, firearm safety, strong hand and supports hand drawing, firing from cover versus concealment, a five-point draw, the seven fundamentals of shooting, weapon care and maintenance, weapon knowledge, nomenclature, and much more. We teach you from the laws to the range.
Learning from us means knowing how to handle your weapon, understanding the principles of a firearm and how it operates, proper care and maintenance, and more. Give us a call, I know you’ll want to learn real-life methods for protecting yourself and your loved ones.
We proudly offer our security officer training courses to individuals in different areas in the Northern California area.